Pest Control

We provide pest control service which is fast, effective and high level of safety. 

You can trust that your pest control job will be done with the utmost care and attention. We take pride in our service to ensure that you enjoy a safe, pest free environment.

We will always give an honest and competitive quote to complete your job.

We assist tenants and landlords with End of Lease Pest Control in Brisbane.

It is a common practice nowadays for your Tenancy Agreement to require End of Lease Pest Control. Depending on the special terms in your Tenancy Agreement, you may be required to have a flea treatment, particularly if you have had pets on the property.

Our End of Lease treatments are carried out after all cleaning has taken place and you are ready to hand the keys back to your agent or landlord. 

This treatment covers:


 If you need our services for pest control or flea treatment, or any of the other services we offer, feel free to contact us.